Mobile devices and HIPAA compliance

Mobile devices have revolutionized the healthcare industry: They’re convenient and significantly improve work efficiency and patients’ satisfaction. Yet they also come with risks. Patient data handled by those devices can be leaked. That’s why every healthcare provider needs to be extra careful about data security when using mobile devices. Why does data security matter so […]

What you can learn from Equifax’s leak

When it comes to security, it’s better to be safe than sorry. But as the Equifax leak case has taught us, once a security breach does happen, it’s best not to be sorry twice. Read on so your business doesn’t experience the same fate as the giant, bumbling credit bureau. What happened to Equifax? Equifax, […]

Beware of healthcare IoT security risks

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to completely revolutionize the healthcare industry. Innovations like smart pacemakers and fitness trackers monitor patients’ vitals and unearth patterns that can lead to more accurate diagnoses. But like any new technology, it also brings a slew of security risks healthcare professionals need to address. IoT security risks […]

How SaaS can benefit your business

As technology progresses, more solutions are created to help businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency. One such solution is “Software as a Service,” aka SaaS. To know if this new solution can be of benefit to your business, you need to know first what SaaS actually is. Read on to learn more. What is SaaS […]

Critical Windows security updates from Microsoft

Earlier this month, Microsoft released a patch that includes several security enhancements and addresses 48 vulnerabilities for all supported versions of Windows. If you’re not in the habit of installing security patches when they come out, now’s a good time to start. Let’s take a look at August’s updates and the issues they address. Windows […]

New Locky ransomware: what you need to know

In 2016, the Locky ransomware infected millions of users with a Microsoft Word file. It was eventually contained, and cyber security firms have since created protections to detect and block previous Locky variants. However, a similar malware is currently spreading worldwide and has so far infected tens of thousands of computers. Quick facts According to […]

Spyware has been infecting Macs for years

While Macs have a reputation for being more secure than Windows PCs, they are far from immune. Over the past decade, a piece of malware designed to spy on its victims’ computers has remained unnoticed until quite recently. What’s worse is that security experts are still unsure about how the malware gets into Mac computers. […]

How to secure your IoT devices

More firms are using the Internet of Things (IoT) to create new business opportunities. For instance, companies that install smart sensors can automate data entry and monitor their inventory. However, if left unsecured, IoT devices also give hackers an opportunity to breach your network. In order to keep attackers at bay, we advise you take […]

How Windows 10 plans to defeat ransomware

The recent WannaCry and Petya ransomware attacks have caused massive disruptions for Windows users. Although ransomware infection has slowed down in the past few weeks, many experts are saying that this is only just the beginning. Soon, newer and far more dangerous strains of malware will be developed. To help people defend against these threats, […]

The benefits of virtualization in 2017

The relationship between computer hardware and software can be frustrating. Both require the other to function properly, but both also require individual attention. Virtualization makes this relationship far more flexible, and we’ve got a rundown on a few of the best examples. More technology uptime Virtualization vendors use lots of fancy names for the features […]