Gmail hacks for streamlined email management

In today’s fast-paced business world, staying on top of email communication can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Gmail, while an undeniably powerful tool, can quickly become a productivity bottleneck as the constant influx of emails distracts you from core tasks and leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Fortunately, we’ve compiled a strategic toolkit of user-friendly Gmail hacks […]

Gmail productivity tips you should know

A study done by the McKinsey Global Institute found that employees spend an average of 13 hours every week checking their emails. You can bring that number down and spend more time focusing on essential tasks by trying these Gmail tips. Use keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts can help you go through your emails quickly. It […]

Gmail: Manage your emails better with these 5 simple tricks

Security, ease of use, and free service are just some of the main reasons why many businesses use Gmail. But despite the email service’s ubiquity, there are still plenty of ways for users to improve their Gmail experience. Gain better control over your inbox — and your workday — with these tricks. Undo Send In […]

Gmail hacks for busy workers

Gmail is a staple for businesses nowadays; all stakeholders, from investors to clients to suppliers, use Gmail to manage their email. But despite its ubiquity, many users — especially smaller enterprises — can stand to improve their Gmail experience. The following tips can make your Gmail usage faster, simpler, and better for your needs. Undo […]

Gmail strengthens anti-phishing features

Phishing is a social engineering attack that never grows old. In fact, cybercriminals know that it’s still easier to trick people into giving away their personal information or clicking a malicious link than to break through several layers of protection. To help in the continuing fight against phishing, Google has improved Gmail’s anti-phishing security features. […]

Start using these six Gmail tips now

Twenty-four hours seem to pass by in the blink of an eye, especially if you’re a small business owner. In order to stand a chance against the competition, the last thing you should do is bury yourself in a pile of endless emails. With the following Gmail tips and tricks, you’ll spend less time with […]

Six Gmail tips your business needs

For most small-business owners, processing email takes up a good chunk of the day. If you use Gmail, you’re already working with a powerful platform with numerous productivity-enhancing features. But what if you could streamline the process even further while ensuring each message is dealt with appropriately? These Gmail tips will do the trick. Undo […]

Google adds anti-phishing features on Gmail

Cybercriminals have been relentless throughout 2017. In the past couple of months, hackers discovered new malware strains and software vulnerabilities that have overwhelmed thousands of businesses worldwide. But despite these new attacks, hackers still have an old, yet effective trick up their sleeves: phishing scams. To this day, sending fraudulent emails to steal sensitive information […]

Machine learning boosts productivity

Did you know that the applications you use learn something new about you every day? If you’re using any of the G Suite applications, their machine learning algorithms — a set of mechanisms that study usage patterns — derive data based on your work patterns and frequently used files, and then make sensible suggestions accordingly. […]

The most advanced Gmail phishing scam yet

As the technology that recognizes and thwarts malware becomes more advanced, hackers are finding it much easier to trick overly trusting humans to do their dirty work for them. Known as social engineering, it’s a dangerous trend that is becoming increasingly prevalent. Read on to educate yourself on how to avoid the most recent scam […]